At a glance

Due to its dense coverage in France and capacity to serve industrial sites in Belgium and Germany, Europorte is positioned as a growth vehicle for the Group. It operates across the entire rail freight transport logistics chain, from collecting and routing on secondary and mainline networks (Europorte France) to loading and unloading of wagons on private branch lines on industrial sites (Socorail), maintaining rolling stock and managing rail infrastructure (ports, private and public/private industrial sites) in France.
Europorte is developing its various complementary activities concurrently in order to offer its customers complete and customised solutions that meet their expectations for integrated logistics chains and high quality of service.
A profitable business model
In 2023, Europorte recorded a solid performance and an improvement in profitability. These results were boosted by a good sector positioning, a very limited exposure to intermodal transport and continued growth in activity in cross-border transport flows between France, Belgium and Germany. The indexation of contracts.
Complementary activities
- Traction of rail freight trains
- Railway infrastructure manager and logisitics
- Railway ground operations and traction of freight trains in the Channel Tunnel